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Do you want a new sense of Self, to integrate and individuate your psyche or Soul, facilitate your authentic identity, spirituality, writing flow (or creativity on tap), and abundance, despite the trauma and abuse of your childhood?

In my journey to healing my feminine self, psyche or Soul, as a creative and writer, and woman, I struggled to express myself, clueless that childhood trauma had silenced my voice; my symptoms included procrastination, perfectionism, easily lost focus, being easily distracted, being ungrounded + split off from my Soul and Whole Being (physical/kinesthetic, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual), putting doing things for other before my art, binge eating to recreate the dissociation and numbed out state of my childhood, a reduced ability to withstand emotional pain, being oblivious to my narrative or the life scripts that I was living, a poisonous animus, while functioning entirely from personas.

Infinite gratitude to the very many teachers who contributed to my creative growth; read more in my open-source PhD thesis here:

Oer, DEVELOPING HER VOICE: A Heroine’s Journey to Literary Individuation through Speculative Fiction / H ROSE.

Grounding into my body, reclaiming my narrative1, head and body rejoined2, with the ability to APR any Whole Being Material that creates despair or depression, I've rebuilt my feminine cisgender psyche (an ongoing process, the psyche is an evolving ecosystem and integration and individuation continue our entire lives). My heroine's journey has led to many boons. I have been published multiple times, am a published poet, a novelist, am a produced screenwriter, worked on films, music videos, and other productions, in Hollywood, have written and directed short films, and became award-winning film director, co-produced or executive produced several films, finished a creative writing PhD, and so much more.


  1. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History by Cathy Caruth
  2. The Beheaded Goddess: Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers by Selma Nemer PhD


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